Burk Parsons
Stephen Nichols
W. Robert Godfrey
Michael Reeves
R.C. Sproul Jr.
John MacArthur
Derek Thomas
Sinclair Ferguson
Ask Ligonier with Stephen Nichols (August 2022)

On August 10, Stephen Nichols joined us as a special guest on our Ask Ligonier team and answered your biblical and theological questions live online.


  1. As the president of a bible college, what is it that we need to give the next generation to help them navigate the world? (2:54)

  2. What is one of your favorite memories of R.C. Sproul? (5:29)

  3. I’ve learned so much from Ligonier, but what does “Ligonier” mean? (6:13)

  4. Which episode of 5 Mins in Church History has been your favorite episode to record and why? (7:02)

  5. Did the early church fathers teach the doctrine of predestination? (7:37)

  6. Does the Holy Spirit give Christians more than one gift? (8:17)

  7. What is hyper-calvinism, how does it relate to reformed theology? (9:14)

  8. Did the Church fathers view the Lord’s supper as a sacrifice? (10:58)

  9. Are Arminians truly saved, or do they trust in a different Gospel? (12:06)

  10. What are Arminianism and Calvinism? Am I saved? (13:21)

  11. Were the apocryphal books every part of the canon of Scripture? (15:46)

  12. What advice do you have for young people who are addicted to social media? (17:06)

  13. You say in your new series, Christianity in America, that American Church History is interesting and instructional. Could you share a lesson from American Church History? (18:46)

  14. What is the answer to the prosperity gospel and the seeker sensitive movement in the church? (22:27)

  15. What are the key theological differences between Reformed Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy? (25:51)

  16. Did Luther and Clavin disagree on anything? (28:33)

  17. Many protestants agree that reformation continues today, how can protestants continue the legacy of Luther and Calvin? (30:06)

  18. Which figure from Church History do you think is the most under-appreciated? (33:17)

  19. Can monasteries play any positive roles in the life of a Christian today? (35:06)

  20. Should God’s people tithe today? (36:08)

  21. What did Augustine mean by “Magnus?” (38:24)

  22. How would you explain the doctrine of limited atonement to an Arminian? (39:48)

  23. Does Science contradict the Biblical doctrine of Creation? (44:14)

  24. Since God’s call is effectual, how can someone be a false convert? (46:53)

  25. What is the difference between inerrancy and infallibility? (48:05)

  26. Is the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit a second movement of grace? (49:45)

  27. What can I say to my friend who believes that all roads lead to God? (51:15)

  28. What book would you recommend for an overview of Church History? (52:33)

  29. Will God give greater rewards for greater Christian service? (52:53)

  30. What are your thoughts on the New Calvinism movement? (53:49)

  31. Why did God give us Sacraments if the Word of God is sufficient? (54:34)

  32. What did God’s people in the Old Testament know about the afterlife? (55:43)

  33. How do I know whether I’m a false convert? (56:42)

  34. Can my name be blotted out of the Book of Life, Revelation 3:5? (57:45)

  35. Is cessationism biblical? (59:03)

  36. Is the doctrine of Sola Scriptura taught in the Bible? (1:00:35)

  37. What is your word of encouragement to those who are concerned about hardships and suffering? (1:02:29)

Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.

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Stephen Nichols

Dr. Burk Parsons is senior pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., chief editorial officer for Ligonier Ministries, executive editor of Tabletalk magazine, and a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow. He is author of Why Do We Have Creeds?, editor of Assured by God and John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology, and cotranslator and coeditor of A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin.

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