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The Origin of the Sabbath

Is the Sabbath simply a Mosaic institution? The biblical data suggests that the weekly Sabbath actually goes back further than Moses, all the way back to creation. In this lesson, Dr. Godfrey defends the position that the weekly Sabbath is a creation ordinance through an examination of key texts, discusses the implications of this truth, and introduces what appear to be New Testament difficulties for this position.

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W. Robert Godfrey

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow and chairman of Ligonier Ministries. He is president emeritus and professor emeritus of church history at Westminster Seminary California. He is the featured teacher for many Ligonier teaching series, including the six-part series A Survey of Church History. He is author of many books, including God’s Pattern for Creation, Reformation Sketches, and An Unexpected Journey.