The Ascension and Exaltation of Christ
- May 24, 2024The Benefit of Christ’s AscensionR.C. Sproul
- May 7, 2024Dominion RegainedSinclair Ferguson
- May 6, 2024He Ascended into HeavenSinclair Ferguson
- December 19, 2023The AscensionBarry Cooper
- March 31, 2023Your King Comes, Lowly and Riding on a DonkeyR.C. Sproul
- August 18, 2022In What Way Is Christ Presently Reigning over the Church?Nathan W. Bingham & Harry Reeder
- 5MINThe AscensionR.C. Sproul
- November 19, 2021The Name above Every NameR.C. Sproul
- Subjecting All Things to Christ1 corinthians 15:27–28
- 4MINBearing Witness to an Invisible KingdomR.C. Sproul
- Christ Ascendedephesians 4:9–10
- Ascension and Sessionmark 16:19
- 29:29Ascension: Session & Intercession, Part 1John H. Gerstner
- 40:34Taken up into Heaven: The Ascension of ChristW. Robert Godfrey
- 50:46Taken up into Heaven: The Ascension of ChristW. Robert Godfrey
- 24:17Glorified Yet DeniedSinclair Ferguson
- 3MINAll Authority in Heaven and on EarthRoland Barnes
- The Ascension of the Son of Manmatthew 24:29–31
- 40:07No Compromise, No SurrenderR.C. Sproul
- Seated at God’s Right Handephesians 1:20–23
- The Ascension of Christacts 1:6–11
- The Exaltation of Christphilippians 2:9–11
- Gifts from the Ascended Christephesians 4:8–10
- 23:43AscensionR.C. Sproul