- January 7, 2025DiscipleBarry Cooper
- 2MINMature in ChristBurk Parsons
- 1MIN3 Ways to Teach Young People TheologyJon Nielson
- 1MINTeaching Them to ObserveVictor Cruz
- August 5, 2024Our Hidden HelpersSinclair Ferguson
- 2MINChrist’s Call to Make DisciplesR.C. Sproul
- 1MINWhat Is Christian Discipleship?Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer
- 2MINRelevant, Old PathsBurk Parsons
- 42:34Following the Way as Christ’s DisciplesStephen Nichols
- 1MINDiscipleshipLigonier Editorial
- How can young Christians learn from older believers?Burk Parsons
- November 3, 2023Equipped for MinistryR.C. Sproul
- 1MINMake DisciplesDave Eby
- MagazineJuly 2023 Tabletalk+12Kyle Oliphint & 19 others$5.00
- 1MINInstruct One AnotherBrian Cosby
- How can the average Christian serve the Lord?Stephen Nichols & W. Robert Godfrey
- 42:31The Great Commission (Pre-Conference)Stephen Nichols
- 1MINWe’re Called to Make Disciples, not Simply ConvertsR.C. Sproul
- May 20, 2021What Does It Mean to Take Up My Cross Daily?Nathan W. Bingham & Joel Kim
- What does it mean to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12)?W. Robert Godfrey
- April 2, 2021Take Up Your CrossR.C. Sproul
- 26:30Discipling the Next Generation (Seminar)Barry Cooper & 3 others
- 47:31Go ThereforeW. Robert Godfrey
- Starting Out Well2 kings 11:21 – 12:16