Husbands and Fathers
- January 24, 2025Husbands, Love Your WivesR.C. Sproul
- 5MINHow Can I Be a Godly Father?Joel Smit
- 3MINHusbands, 8 Admonitions to Love Your WifeWilliam Boekestein
- Headship in the Home and Church1 corinthians 11:2–3
- The Vocation of Husbandsephesians 5:25–33
- Loving One's Self, Loving One's Wifeephesians 5:28–30
- The Christian Man in the HomeR.C. Sproul
- The Husband CherishesR.C. Sproul
- The Husband's RoleR.C. Sproul
- 50:46The Father as Prophet, Priest, and KingR.C. Sproul
- Christian Men in the Homeephesians 5:22–33
- Understanding Husbands1 peter 3:7