The New Perspective on Paul
- 1MINThe New Perspective on PaulLigonier Editorial
- 1MINWhat Does Justification Have to Do with the Gospel?Sinclair Ferguson
- 2MINThe Attractions of the New Perspective(s) on PaulLigon Duncan
- The New Perspective on PaulAugust 19, 2019
- 1MINJustification and EcumenismMichael Horton
- 2MINWhat’s Wrong with Wright: Examining the New Perspective on PaulPhil Johnson
- 2MINWas Luther Right?Thomas Schreiner
- 1MINA Reformed Critique of the New PerspectiveRichard Gaffin Jr.
- 2MINA Man More Sinned Against than Sinning?: The Portrait of Martin Luther in Contemporary New Testament ScholarshipCarl R. Trueman
- 1MINN.T. Wright and the New Perspective on PaulLigon Duncan
- 2MINThe New Perspective on Paul: Calvin and N.T. WrightJ.V. Fesko