5 Recommended Resources for Easter

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ lies at the very heart of the Christian faith and message. It is Christ’s victory over sin and death that Christians celebrate each Lord’s Day, and especially each Easter. For as R.C. Sproul said, “The supreme enemy that afflicts human life—death itself—is triumphed over with the resurrection.” The following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, can help believers understand more fully God’s glorious grace in salvation.
The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul
In this book, Dr. Sproul shows that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross was always God’s plan by which to bring salvation to His people, and that apart from the cross, there is no salvation. This overview of the atonement can help readers better understand the meaning and purpose of the cross and point them to the essence of the biblical message on redemption: a holy God who seeks and saves the lost.
Alive: How the Resurrection of Christ Changes Everything by Gabe Fluhrer
The resurrection of Jesus is often dismissed as a myth by those who assert that miracles are a scientific impossibility. Is faith in the resurrection nothing more than blind belief? In this book, Dr. Fluhrer contends that the account of the resurrection is no myth, but rather, it is a historic reality supported by evidence. And by God’s grace, embracing Christ’s resurrection means having our lives forever changed.
With a Mighty Triumph!: Christ’s Resurrection and Ours by Rhett P. Dodson
In 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul discusses Christ’s resurrection as a historical reality that provides the basis for the believer’s future hope of resurrection. This book takes readers through Paul’s teaching, examining its inner logic, theological content, and practical application, focusing on the hope that Christ’s resurrection offers to all who believe.
The Christ of the Empty Tomb by James Montgomery Boice
Compiled from sermons that Dr. Boice delivered to his congregation over the years, this book presents the resurrection as historical fact, refuting arguments leveled against it, explaining seeming discrepancies, and focusing the reader’s attention on the significance of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead: the justification and deliverance of God’s people.
Crucified and Risen: Sermons on the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension by John Calvin
This book contains a compilation of Calvin’s sermons from 1557–1558, in which he explores Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection as described in the gospel of Matthew. Emphasis is placed on the fruit and efficacy of Christ’s redemptive work, and Calvin lays out the implications of Christ’s death and resurrection for how believers live, serve, worship, and pray.
This article is part of the Recommended Resources collection.
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Karrie Hahn
Karrie Hahn is associate editor for Ligonier Ministries and a certified biblical counselor. She is contributor to Women Counseling Women: Biblical Answers to Life’s Difficult Problems.