5 Recommended Resources on Grace

Grace. It’s the most wonderful word in the world to the sinner’s ears. God’s grace toward His chosen ones in Christ is a subject we’ll never be able to exhaust in this life. But as we grow in our apprehension of the grace we’ve received, we’re drawn into deeper worship of our gracious God and reflect that grace more fully to our neighbors. If you’d like to take a deeper dive into the riches of divine grace, the following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, can assist you.
Saving the Reformation: The Pastoral Theology of the Canons of Dort by W. Robert Godfrey
Written to celebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of the Synod of Dort, this book is an accessible introduction to the history and theology of the synod and the famous canons that it produced. Featuring both a historical overview of the synod and a new translation and exposition of the Canons of Dort, this book is essential reading for those who want to go deeper into the doctrines of grace and understand how foundational they are for understanding the teaching of Scripture.
What Is Reformed Theology? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul
Reformed theology includes the doctrines of grace as outlined in the Canons of Dort, but it also includes far more. This book is a comprehensive introduction to Reformed theology that shows how Reformed thought consists of the doctrines of grace and other emphases.
The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, S. Lance Quinn
Some people have argued that the doctrines of grace or the five points of Calvinism are an illegitimate imposition of philosophical thinking on the teaching of Scripture. This work proves otherwise, defining the doctrines of grace and showing their biblical basis.
What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? by Richard D. Phillips
The doctrines of grace are not simply abstract theological talking points but are foundational for healthy Christian living and joy. This book shows the practical import of the doctrines of grace and how they inform our walk with the Lord practically.
But for the Grace of God: An Exposition of the Canons of Dort
This work unfolds the doctrines of grace biblically and theologically, demonstrating how they give us great assurance by pointing us to the all-sufficient work of Christ on our behalf.
This article is part of the Recommended Resources collection.
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Karrie Hahn
Karrie Hahn is associate editor for Ligonier Ministries and a certified biblical counselor. She is contributor to Women Counseling Women: Biblical Answers to Life’s Difficult Problems.