5 Recommended Resources on the Westminster Confession of Faith

In a consumer-driven society, we can be tempted to think that newer is always better or that older is irrelevant. The world tells us that diverging from biblical instruction is evidence of enlightenment and progress. Yet believers know the truth: Our God is unchanging in His character, His purposes, and His will. And because of that, we find comfort in His enduring Word and look back in history to learn from summations of biblical truth penned by faithful saints.
The following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, can help today’s Christian learn about the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is one of the most well-written and enduring confessions of the Reformed tradition.
Truths We Confess: A Systematic Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith by R.C. Sproul
In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul walks through the Westminster Confession of Faith line by line, explaining what it means and applying it to modern life. Through this study, readers can deepen their knowledge of God’s Word and be better equipped to answer the question, “What do you believe?”
Confessing the Faith: A Reader’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn
Historical and practical in its focus, this book provides a guide to the confession, considers its original proof-texts, and seeks to deepen the reader’s understanding of the Westminster Confession. Both advanced and general audiences can benefit from this book and have their hearts and minds challenged.
Recovering the Reformed Confession: Our Theology, Piety, and Practice by R. Scott Clark
This book seeks to retrieve the doctrine, piety, and practice of Reformed Christianity. After exploring crises in modern churches, Dr. Clark calls us to recover faithfulness to God’s Word by returning to historical creeds. He calls for a recovery of Reformed identity as well as historic Reformed worship rooted in the church’s historical understanding of Scripture.
The Westminster Confession of Faith: For Study Classes by G.I. Williamson
This guide to the Westminster Confession has served churches and colleges throughout the world for more than fifty years. Each section includes an explanation of the confession, along with questions for personal or group study and discussion.
The Theology of the Westminster Standards: Historical Context and Theological Insights by J.V. Fesko
In this volume, Dr. J.V. Fesko seeks to help readers understand the background and theology of the Westminster Confession, the Larger Catechism, and the Shorter Catechism. Arranged by the major categories of systematic theology, quotations from other key works from the same time period help shed light on the original context and significance of these influential documents.
This article is part of the Recommended Resources collection.
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Karrie Hahn
Karrie Hahn is associate editor for Ligonier Ministries and a certified biblical counselor. She is contributor to Women Counseling Women: Biblical Answers to Life’s Difficult Problems.