After Darkness, Light: 2015 National Conference

The Apostle John warns us not to love the world, and our fallen tendency to view the world as an ultimate end in itself means that we must fight against our dark inclinations to set our hearts on this age and its pleasures. But God created the world to glorify Himself, and as we make Him our ultimate end, we can identify the sins that manifest our love for the world and enjoy the Lord's creation in an appropriate way. Rev. Kevin DeYoung calls on the Lord to restore us to a high view of the world as the arena of God's glory, and he describes how Christians, in pursuing the light of God, can identify and fight against sin in the world while loving our enemies and blessing those who curse us.
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Kevin DeYoung
Rev. Kevin DeYoung is senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, N.C., and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, N.C. He is author of many books, including Just Do Something.