After Darkness, Light: 2015 National Conference

Kevin DeYoung, W. Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, and R.C. Sproul answer questions on topics such as modern advancements in medical technology, children who die in infancy, what Heaven will be like, and more.
Considering that Coptic Christians believe Jesus had only one nature (monophysites), can we consider them Christians? (00:30)
With all of the advancements in medical care in helping to keep people alive, what is the Christian’s responsibility in accepting these medical advances? Can a Christian say no to medical treatment or do we have the responsibility to seek any and all treatment available? (06:00)
How do I faithfully keep the 5th commandment when I have two mothers instead of a father and a mother? (09:13)
Is it a sin to change your sex with surgery and/or drugs? (13:30)
Are women who profess to be Christians, but proceed with an abortion on the promise of forgiveness, truly saved? (15:03)
What do we say to a mother who has lost her child in infancy when she asks, “is my child in Heaven?” (24:53)
My teenage daughter stated, “how boring heaven must be if all we are doing there is worship God.” It was a thought and statement that took my breath away. What do you think heaven will be like? (27:32)
We are told to obey our government. Was it sinful for Tyndale to translate and print the Bible? (33:23)
If the devil is not omnipresent, how much of our sin is a result of our sinful nature as opposed to temptations of the devil? (35:07)
Since Jesus received our punishment, why do Christians still receive punishment for sins they commit? For example, why would a Christian become sick or die for not judging themselves rightly before communion (1 Cor. 11)? (36:10)
Sadly, I do not have a great love for my fellow man. I do not have a great fear for the lost. I tell myself that I love God, and want to serve and please Him. Am I fooling myself on my salvation? (42:25)
I am in leadership at a very traditional Baptist church. My pastor knows of my Reformed leanings. How can I best serve my church while pushing and praying for reformation? (48:38)
Note: This Questions and Answers session is made available for historical archival purposes only. Further, answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.
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Kevin DeYoung
Rev. Kevin DeYoung is senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, N.C., and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, N.C. He is author of many books, including Just Do Something.