The Dawn of the Reformation: 2016 Regional Conference

1. Before Light, Darkness

2. Reflections on the 499th Anniversary of the Reformation

3. A Time for Confidence

4. A Time for Conviction

5. Questions & Answers with Mohler, Nichols, Sproul, and Thomas

6. The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology

7. October 30, 1517: The Eve of the Reformation

October 30, 1517: The Eve of the Reformation
Most people remember October 31, 1517, as the day Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-Five Theses. But what drove him to list a series of theological statements for public dispute? Why did he focus on the importance of repentance for the Christian life? What did he want to achieve? In this session, Dr. Sproul Jr. considers what lessons can be learned from the life of Martin Luther on the eve of the Reformation.
_Note: R.C. Sproul Jr. resigned from Ligonier Ministries in 2016. This conference session is made available for historical archival purposes only._
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