Christian LivingChristian Living\Church and MinistryChurch and Ministry\Pastoral MinistryPastoral Ministry
Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2003 Pastors Conference

1. The Eclipse of God

2. Expository Preaching

3. Target Audience

4. Narrative Preaching

5. Questions and Answers #1

6. God-Centered Worship

7. God-Centered Music

8. Surely God is in this Place

9. Questions and Answers #2

10. God-Centered Evangelism

11. God-Centered Adult Education

12. God-Centered Mercy Ministry

13. Questions and Answers #3

The Eclipse of God
This opening seminar will provide an overview and introduction to the main theme of the conference by explaining how God is often ignored in our culture, our worship, and in the daily life of the church.
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R.C. Sproul
Dr. R.C. Sproul was founder of Ligonier Ministries, first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of Reformation Bible College. He was author of more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God.