Tough Questions Christians Face: 2010 National Conference

Every day we communicate through various media. From the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press in the fifteenth century to the rise of the internet in the late twentieth century, throughout history societies have invented new forms of media in order to communicate more efficiently. As we approach the second decade of the twenty-first century we have witnessed the rise of numerous new media and have been left to fend for ourselves to figure out how to use it properly.
This Pre-Conference is geared to help equip Christians, young and old, to think biblically about new media and how to use new media for their own purposes, for the edification of the church, and for the kingdom of God. In this message, Tim Challies examines online communication and the challenges that come when we attempt to speak truth in love.
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Tim Challies
Tim Challies is founding blogger of and co-founder of Cruciform Press. He is author of several books, including Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God and Understanding and Trusting Our Great God.
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