Cast into the Outer Darkness

We were created to bask in the light of the glory of Christ. To reject Jesus is to be shut out into impenetrable darkness under the everlasting judgment of God. Today, R.C. Sproul solemnly warns of the worst possible doom that could ever befall us.
The greatest pleasure we can ever hope to enjoy is to experience the radiance of the countenance of Christ, the beholding of the manifestation of his unveiled glory and the Scriptures uniformly describe the majestic radiance of Christ in terms of the metaphor of light. We go to the Book of Revelation, and we read of the new heaven and the new earth that comes down out of heaven, and we note something extraordinary there that in the new heaven, there is no sun.
There are no artificial means of illumination because they're totally unnecessary, because the light that is generated by the glory of God and by his son will fill the holy city with light, but outside, we're told, outside the new Jerusalem will be a place of our darkness where no light will shine, where the glory of God will not pierce and will not penetrate, and the radiance of the continents of Christ will be shut out into this outer darkness. In the outer darkness, there will be, as the scripture say, nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth. You may not believe that. You may think that that's not true. You better hope that that's not true, but that message is on every page of sacred scripture.
That warning, that alert is there again and again and again. Do you want a future of utter, abysmal darkness? Beloved, you were made for fellowship and communion with God. You were created with a capacity to experience unspeakable joy in his presence, to be shut out of that presence, to be in a place where there is no light and only darkness is the worst possible thing that could ever befall you.