God Is His Attributes

God is indivisible. We cannot separate His attributes as if they were individual puzzle pieces coming together to form a whole. Today, R.C. Sproul states how the doctrine of divine simplicity keeps us from developing skewed ideas of who God is.
Though love is an attribute of God, an extremely important attribute of God, God is a simple being. Not in the sense that He is simplistic, but we understand that God is not made up of parts. God is His attributes, so that to understand any single attribute of God you must understand that attribute as it relates and connects with all the other attributes of God. The love of God is an eternal love. The love of God is a sovereign love. The love of God is an immutable love. The love of God is a holy love. A God who is stripped of His attributes of justice, of holiness, or sovereignty, and the rest, is just as much an idol as something made out of wood or stone.
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