The Agony of the Cross

Greater than the nails that pierced His hands and feet, Jesus suffered the curse of God’s wrath on the cross. Today, R.C. Sproul addresses the depths of agony that Christ endured to save His people from their sins.
I don’t know how deeply you have ever contemplated the cross or the atonement of Christ. I’ve been studying theology for a long time, and I have this embarrassment of feeling like I haven’t begun to scratch the surface of the depths and the riches that are contained in that one, single redemptive act. The drama of redemption reaches its climax there on the cross. I don’t know what it means, experientially, to be completely cursed from God, to be cut off from His presence, and to be sent to a realm of absolute darkness like Jesus experienced.
I’ve heard many, many sermons preached on the cross, and so often the ministers go into the gory details of the physiological pain and stress that is imposed upon a victim of crucifixion—and in Jesus’ case with the crown of thorns, and the nails through His hand, and the sword in His side, and all of that agony that He endures.
But I really doubt if Jesus could even feel that stuff because it wasn’t worthy to compare to the pain that He had to endure while He is receiving the very punishment of hell that you and I deserve. What I’m saying is that the nails and the swords were nothing compared to coming under the curse of God. And I ask you to think about that, to think about what it would be like for you to be cursed of God, which indeed you will be if you do not receive and trust in the One who has taken that curse for you.
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