What's So Important about Theology?

The reason we should seek to understand the doctrine of God is so we can better know God Himself. Today, R.C. Sproul explains why theology is so important in our relationship with the Lord.
When we study the things of God, we’re not studying truth in the abstract. The reason why we want to understand theology, the reason we want to understand doctrine is not so that we can make an A on a theology exam. We want to understand the doctrine of God so that we can understand God, so that we can meet the living God in His Word, and understand Him and deepen our personal relationship with Him.
But you can’t deepen a relationship with anybody if you don't know anything about them. And so the propositions of the Scripture are not an end in themselves. They are a means to the end, but they are a necessary means to the end. And to say, “Christianity is not about propositions, but about relationships,” is to establish an extremely dangerous, false dichotomy, and to do insult to the Spirit of Truth, whose propositions they are. Which propositions are our meat and our drink and define the very Christian life.
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