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- 6MIN3 Things You Should Know about ActsDennis Johnson
- 3MINThey Devoted Themselves to PrayerEdmund Clowney
- God’s Sovereignty in Regenerationacts 9:1–19
- Jesus Calls Saul To Serviceacts 9:1–22
- 22:56PaulR.C. Sproul
acts 9:1–9
Paul's ConversionR.C. Sproul- 23:30Paul's Conversion and CallingGuy Waters
- Sovereign Regenerationacts 9:1–19
- The Apostle to the Gentilesacts 9:1–31
- The Call of Saul of Tarsusacts 9:1–10
- 23:47The Conversion of PaulR.C. Sproul
- 23:47The Conversion of PaulR.C. Sproul
- The Conversion of Saulacts 9:1–9
- 3MIN5 Things You Should Know about Union with ChristJeremy Walker
acts 9:10–19
The Street Called StraightR.C. Sproul- The Spread of the Gospelacts 9:19 – 10:8
acts 9:20–31
A Basket CaseR.C. Sproulacts 9:32–43
The Raising of DorcasR.C. Sproul