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- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Luke’s GospelBenjamin Gladd
- 7MINThe Witness of LukeRobert Rothwell
- 22:55An Example of ContentmentMelissa Kruger
- Jesus the MessiahJohn Sartelle
- Obedience In Temptationluke 4:1–3
- July 25, 2024The Pinnacle of the TempleSinclair Ferguson
- The Price of a ManR.C. Sproul
- The Price of a Manluke 4:1–13
luke 4:1–13
The Temptation of JesusR.C. Sproulluke 4:14–30
Jesus in the SynagogueR.C. Sproul- 26:18Jesus' Inaugural Address & Public MinistryR.C. Sproul
- 26:18Jesus' Inaugural Address & Public MinistryR.C. Sproul
- 25:18Trinitarian FellowshipSinclair Ferguson
- Domesticating Jesusluke 4:16–30
- 23:15The Names of ChristR.C. Sproul
- September 13, 2024The Power of the Spirit in PreachingSinclair Ferguson
- The Servant Comes to the Synagogueluke 4:16–30
- 4MIN“I’m an Evangelical’: Rescuing the TermStephen Nichols
- Healing in the AtonementJohn MacArthur
- 5MINThe Ethics of PersonhoodJustin Holcomb
luke 4:20–30
Jesus RejectedR.C. Sproulluke 4:31–37
Jesus Meets a DemonR.C. Sproulluke 4:38–44
Healing & PreachingR.C. Sproulluke 4:42–44
The Gospel of the KingdomR.C. Sproul