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- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- 6MINThe Witness of MarkS.M. Baugh
mark 10:1–12
Marriage and DivorceR.C. Sproul- The One-Flesh Unionmark 10:1–9
- 3MINWhat Does the Bible Teach About Sexuality?Christopher Yuan
- When God Allows Divorcemark 10:10–12
- Questions and Answers #4Joel Beeke & R.C. Sproul
- Come Like Little ChildrenTrillia Newbell
- Receiving the Kingdom Like a Childmark 10:13–16
mark 10:13–22
The Rich Young RulerR.C. Sproul- 46:44Good Advice or Good News?R.C. Sproul
- The Goodness Of Godmark 10:17–18
- The Power of Richesmark 10:17–22
- The Rich Young Rulermark 10:17–22
- 23:27The Rich, Young RulerR.C. Sproul
- True or False AssuranceR.C. Sproul
- 6MINNot One IotaRick Gamble
- Overestimating Obediencemark 10:19–22
- The Difficulty of Entering the Kingdommark 10:23–25
mark 10:23–31
The Eye of the NeedleR.C. Sproul- The Necessity of Divine Gracemark 10:26–27
- The Rewards of Discipleshipmark 10:28–30
mark 10:31–45
Kingdom ClimbersR.C. Sproul- The Right-Side-Up Kingdommark 10:31