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- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- 6MINThe Witness of MarkS.M. Baugh
- The Parable of the Tenantsmark 12:1–9
mark 12:1–12
The Parable of the VinedressersR.C. Sproul- The Rejected Cornerstonemark 12:10–12
- Giving God and Government Their Duemark 12:13–17
mark 12:13–17
God and CaesarR.C. Sproulmark 12:18–27
The ResurrectionR.C. Sproul- The Sadducees Ask About Marriagemark 12:18–24
- The God of the Livingmark 12:25–27
mark 12:28–34
The Great CommandmentR.C. Sproul- The Greatest Commandmentsmark 12:28–31
- How can Christians continue to minister to one another when large gatherings present a health risk?Sinclair Ferguson & Burk Parsons
- Close to the Kingdom of Godmark 12:32–34
- David's Prophecy of Christmark 12:35–37
mark 12:35–37
David's Son and LordR.C. Sproul- Religious Men Who Prey on the Needymark 12:38–40
mark 12:38–44
The Scribes and the WidowR.C. Sproul- The Widow's Sacrificial Contributionmark 12:41–44
- The Widow's MiteEric Watkins