- All chapters
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- 16
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- A Prophet without Honormark 6:1–4
mark 6:1–6
Jesus at NazarethR.C. Sproul- The Obstacle of Unbeliefmark 6:5–6
- Jesus Sends out the Twelvemark 6:7–13
mark 6:7–13
The Sending of the DisciplesR.C. Sproul- 23:30God’s Reassurance through John the BaptistDerek Thomas
- The Allure of Holinessmark 6:14–16
mark 6:14–18
The Beheading of John the Baptist (Part 1)R.C. Sproul- Confronting Public Sinsmark 6:17–19
- Herod's Discernmentmark 6:19–20
mark 6:19–29
The Beheading of John the Baptist (Part 2)R.C. Sproul- Herod's Unlawful Oathmark 6:21–29
mark 6:30–44
Feeding of the Five ThousandR.C. Sproul- February 12, 2025Jesus’ Compassion for Lost SheepR.C. Sproul
- Sheep without a Shepherdmark 6:30–34
- Five Thousand Men Fedmark 6:35–44
mark 6:45–56
Jesus Walking on WaterR.C. Sproul- The Prayer Life of Jesusmark 6:45–46
- The Right Kind of Fearmark 6:45–51
- Expository PreachingMark Dever
- Jesus Walks on Watermark 6:47–52
- Healings in Gennesaretmark 6:53–56