Open Windows of Heaven

For both Christians and non-Christians, money and material goods can become major concerns. Some become consumed by the pursuit of wealth. For others who already have an abundance of possessions, these things can become a source of distraction and worry. On the other hand, those who are destitute can easily become preoccupied with obtaining the resources needed to survive. Though these material concerns can easily enslave a person, the Word of God offers liberation from this bondage. As we examine today’s passage from the often-ignored book of Malachi, we will be reminded that God has promised to provide faithfully for His people. This promise, in turn, invites us to live with generosity toward God and others.

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R.C. Sproul Jr.

R.C. Sproul Jr. previously served as a pastor, professor, and teacher. His content is no longer featured due to violations of our content policy.