Book of Acts

1. A Second Account

2. The Ascension

3. A New Apostle

4. Pentecost

5. Peter's Sermon (Part 1)

6. Peter's Sermon (Part 2)

7. Peter's Sermon (Part 3)

8. Life in the Early Church

9. Healing at the Gate Beautiful

10. Peter's Second Speech

11. Sons of the Covenant

12. No Other Name

13. Obeying God or Man?

14. Holy Boldness

15. Lying Donors

16. If It Is of God

17. Apostles and Deacons

18. Stephen on Trial

19. Saul of Tarsus

20. The Gospel to Samaria

21. The Ethiopian Church (Eunuch)

22. Paul's Conversion

23. The Street Called Straight

24. A Basket Case

25. The Raising of Dorcas

26. Peter's Vision

27. Cornelius' Household

28. The Holy Spirit to the Gentiles

29. The Team of Barnabas and Saul

30. Peter in Prison

31. The Death of Herod

32. Paul at Cyprus

33. Paul's Sermon at Antioch

34. Christ and David

35. Eternal Appointment

36. Zeus and Hermes

37. Entering the Kingdom

38. The Judaizer Threat

39. The Jerusalem Decree

40. Among the Brethren

41. The Doctrine of Baptism

42. The Philippian Jailer

43. Reasoning from the Scriptures

44. Paul at Mars Hill (Part 1)

45. Paul at Mars Hill (Part 2)

46. Paul at Corinth

47. Paul at Ephesus

48. Riot at Ephesus

49. The Ministry of Troas

50. Message to the Elders

51. Thy Will Be Done

52. Paul's Arrest in Jerusalem

53. Paul's Defense in Jerusalem

54. A House Divided

55. Paul Sent to Felix

56. Paul's Defense Before Felix

57. Paul Tried Before Festus (Paul Appeals to Caesar)

58. Paul's Defense

59. Almost Persuaded

60. Paul in the Tempest

61. Paul at Malta

62. Paul at Rome

63. Epilogue

Sons of the Covenant
The religious leaders in Jesus’ day knew the Scriptures, yet they did not know the Lord of the Scriptures whom they had crucified. Peter tells us they acted in ignorance, but does that mean they are not guilty? Dr. Sproul considers this question as he continues to work his way through the book of Acts.