Paul Levy
Sinclair Ferguson
Mark Johnston
Questions & Answers #2 with Ferguson, Johnston, and Levy

A questions and answers session with Sinclair Ferguson, Mark Johnston, and Paul Levy.


  1. How can I make progress in my Christian growth? (0:00)

  2. How can Christians restore the concept of love to its true biblical richness within a society that devalues love? (5:45)

  3. In what way does God predestine those who go to hell? How do we explain election to those who may be unsaved? (12:18)

  4. What advice would you give a young man who aspires to serve in ministry? (22:15)

  5. Why did God create Satan if He knew Satan would bring evil into the world? Should Christians fear the devil? (25:20)

  6. How should Christians address division in the church? (31:45)

  7. How can you help someone new to Reformed theology who struggles with the intellectualism surrounding this tradition? (33:59)

  8. What encouragement can you give to Christians experiencing burnout or facing difficult situations? (41:55)

Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.