Reformation Truths
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Reformation theology is more than an abstract set of Scriptural tenets. Rather, it is a coherent and comprehensive framework for thinking, living, and worship that is united around a central theme. Without the beautiful and compelling nucleus of the sovereign goodness and majesty of God, Reformed theology would lose its heart and soul. In this lesson, Dr. Reeves turns our attention to this magnificent core of Christianity: the joy-laden pursuit of the glory of God.

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Michael Reeves
Dr. Michael Reeves is president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology in the United Kingdom. He is the featured teacher for the Ligonier teaching series The English Reformation and the Puritans. He is author of many books, including The Unquenchable Flame, Delighting in the Trinity, and Rejoice and Tremble.
God’s Glory
Resources about the doctrines of grace, including: irresistible grace, limited atonement, the perseverance of the saints, total depravity, and unconditional election.