General Theology
Resources about frameworks for understanding the nature and works of God, including: covenant theology, differing theological views, historical theology, philosophical theology, and systematic theology.
- 4MINThe Development of Roman Catholic Sacerdotal SoteriologyKeith Mathison
- 4MINBreaking Down the Dividing WallR.C. Sproul
- 3MINThe First Controversy: Augustine vs. PelagiusKeith Mathison
- 4MINWhat Is the Procession of the Holy Spirit?Robert Letham
- 4MIN5 Things You Should Know about Covenant TheologyHarrison Perkins
- 4MINThe Covenant of WorksR.C. Sproul
- 4MINThe Battle for Grace AloneR.C. Sproul
- 4MINAncient PromisesR.C. Sproul
- 2MINWhat Does the Roman Catholic Church Believe About Justification?R.C. Sproul
- 3MINNorma NormataR.C. Sproul
- 4MINZeal without KnowledgeR.C. Sproul
- 4MINWhy Should I Read the Westminster Confession of Faith?Nick Batzig
- 5MINWhat Is Eastern Orthodoxy?Panagiotis Kantartzis
- 3MINIs Systematic Theology Helpful?Paul Smalley
- 4MIN5 Ways Covenant Theology Applies to Everyday LifeSarah Ivill
- 2MIN5 Recommended Resources on Covenant TheologyKarrie Hahn
- 2MIN5 Recommended Resources on the Westminster Confession of FaithKarrie Hahn
- 3MIN5 Things You Should Know about CreedsKeith Mathison
- 1MINIntroducing Ligonier Guides: Accessible Theology for Everyday LifeKarrie Hahn
- 4MINA Snare in Your MidstR.C. Sproul
- 2MINChristmas Past: IgnatiusStephen Nichols
- 6MINWhat Is Our Theology?Sinclair Ferguson
- 5MINTheology, Theology, Theology: Why Ligonier?Chris Larson
- 1MINThe Apostles’ CreedVarious