Theological Views
- 1MINThe Battle for Grace AloneR.C. Sproul
- 1MINWhat Does the Roman Catholic Church Believe About Justification?R.C. Sproul
- PaperbackAre We Together?R.C. Sproul$12.00$9.60
- 1MINZeal without KnowledgeR.C. Sproul
- What are some differences between Reformed theology and Eastern Orthodoxy?Stephen Nichols
- What is the difference between the Dutch Reformed view and the Lutheran view of baptism?W. Robert Godfrey
- 1MINWhat Is Eastern Orthodoxy?Panagiotis Kantartzis
- When did the Roman Catholic Church begin?Derek Thomas & W. Robert Godfrey
- Are Arminians saved?R.C. Sproul
- Can praying to Mary or the saints keep a professing Christian out of heaven?John MacArthur & R.C. Sproul
- How should we respond to those who say that the Reformation no longer matters?Stephen Nichols & R.C. Sproul
- 24:22PentecostalismW. Robert Godfrey
- 26:20Optional Session: Roman Catholicism TodayLeonardo De Chirico
- PaperbackA Christian's Pocket Guide to PapacyLeonardo De Chirico$8.00$6.40
- Hardcover2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Volume 4Nicholas Needham$30.00$24.00
- 24:22PentecostalismW. Robert Godfrey
- 1MINA History of AwakeningKeith Mathison
- January 20, 2016The Council of TrentStephen Nichols
- 1MINThe Babylonian Captivity of the PapacyR. Scott Clark
- 1MINMolinism 101Paul Helm
- 1MINSwimming the Tiber?Mark Jones
- 1MINFaith AloneJ.V. Fesko
- 23:07Roman Catholic View of Justification (Part 2)R.C. Sproul
- 22:36Roman Catholic View of Justification (Part 1)R.C. Sproul