Trusting in Grace

It is only by God’s grace that we will be saved from the judgment we deserve. But we must ensure we have a correct understanding of what grace is. Today, R.C. Sproul warns of a potential danger in relying on God’s grace.
Our assurance of salvation can only come when we trust in Christ and in Christ alone for our justification. It’s as simple as that. I have to ask you, what are you trusting in for eternal life? If you’re trusting in the church, you’re in trouble. It’s a false sense of assurance. If you’re trusting in your own righteousness, you’re in trouble. That’s a false sense of assurance. What if you say, “Well, what I’m really trusting in is grace.” Be careful.
Why? Isn’t that the ticket? Isn’t that the answer, that I must rest ultimately on the grace of God alone? Yes, but be careful how you understand grace. We have a culture who has a distorted understanding of grace. They say, “Yeah, I can only get into heaven by the grace of God alone. I recognize that. I’m a sinner. Only grace will save me. But if God’s really gracious, He’ll certainly include me. He owes it to me.” And deep down underneath there, I’m really convinced that if God is just, He’ll be gracious to me, and I’ve confused justice and grace at that point. So be careful how you understand grace.
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