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- 25:10Blessed above All PeoplesW. Robert Godfrey
- 43:32The Great Book ProgramGeorge Grant
- Delighting in GodTedd Tripp
- Hear, O IsraelR.C. Sproul
- Love GodJerry Bridges
- Love GodJerry Bridges
- 31:35OPTIONAL SESSION: Parenting By God's PromisesJoel Beeke
- 22:58Covenant & ChurchJ.V. Fesko
- Did believers in the Old Testament have a complete understanding of the Trinity?R.C. Sproul & Derek Thomas
- 3MINGodly Parenting as a Witness to the WorldBrian Cosby
- Hear, O Israeldeuteronomy 6:4–9
- 3MINIsrael’s CreedBryan Estelle
- 24:07One in EssenceR.C. Sproul
- One True Eternal Goddeuteronomy 6:4
- December 29, 2023Teaching Our Children about GodR.C. Sproul
- The Clarity of Scripturedeuteronomy 6:4–8
- The Goal of EducationR.C. Sproul
- 3MINThe Most Solemn MandateR.C. Sproul
- August 25, 2023The Sinless SonR.C. Sproul
- 27:16Why Study the Bible?R.C. Sproul
- Why Theology is Necessarydeuteronomy 6:4–9
- August 2, 2017William Ellery ChanningStephen Nichols
- 3MINA Catechism on the HeartSinclair Ferguson
- 6MINAddictions and IdolatryEdward Welch