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- 39
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- 50
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about GenesisT. Desmond Alexander
- Finding God in the DarkDerek Thomas
- 3MINFinding God in the DarknessDerek Thomas
- Potiphar's Favorgenesis 39:1–6
- Seduction Resistedgenesis 39:1–23
- Resisting Temptationgenesis 39:6–10
- Seduction RevisitedR.C. Sproul
- 5MINTrue SuccessR.C. Sproul
- Fleeing Temptationgenesis 39:11–18
- True SuccessR.C. Sproul
- Imprisoned Againgenesis 39:19–20
- Chesed for Josephgenesis 39:21–23
- 22:42God’s Presence with JosephDerek Thomas