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- 3MINThe Witness of MatthewR.C. Sproul
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Matthew’s GospelMark Ross
- 4MINThe Gospel of the GospelsDaniel R. Hyde
- 3MINBoots on the GroundSamuel Larsen
- 3MINHow Then Shall We "Go"?Karl Dahlfred
- 3MINI Am with You AlwaysGerrit Scott Dawson
- 2MINThe Great Ordinary CommissionBurk Parsons
- 10MINThe Prevailing ChurchSimon Kistemaker
- 3MINDifference or Contradiction?R.C. Sproul
- 23:31Fulfilled: The Resurrection in the GospelsGabriel N.E. Fluhrer
- Influential New Testament Womenmatthew 28:1–10
- Risen From the Deadmatthew 28:1 –10
matthew 28:1–15
The ResurrectionR.C. Sproul- The Resurrection of JesusJerry Bridges
- The Guards Sell Their Soulsmatthew 28:11–15
- Churches That Want to Lose PeopleJ.D. Greear
- 3MINDiscipleship in the FamilyScotty Anderson
- Entrance by Cleansingmatthew 28:16–20
- 47:31Go ThereforeW. Robert Godfrey
- 4MINI Will Build My ChurchKim Riddlebarger
- 41:33Make DisciplesBurk Parsons
- Proclaiming the GospelR.C. Sproul
- 6MINReformed and Always ReformingW. Robert Godfrey
- 45:11The Church's MissionLigon Duncan