Fulfilled: The Resurrection in the Gospels

Most of us can probably think of a time when we failed to keep a promise that we made. Yet God is always faithful to keep His promises. Indeed, Scripture tells us that all God’s promises find their “Yes” in Christ (2 Cor. 1:20). In a world where we are surrounded by our own broken promises and the broken promises of others, the good news of Christ’s resurrection provides us with an everlasting assurance that God is always faithful to do what He says. In this lesson, Dr. Fluhrer demonstrates how each of the four gospel accounts bears witness to the glorious reality that God alone is worthy of our trust.

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Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer

Dr. Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer is senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. He is editor of Atonement and Solid Ground and author of The Beauty of Divine Grace and Alive: How the Resurrection Changes Everything.