The Life and Theology of Paul
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We have just studied justification by faith alone, which is at the heart—but is not the totality of—the gospel Paul preached. Indeed, we are delivered not only from the guilt and penalty of sin in justification, but also sin's dominion, presence, and power in sanctification, which entails becoming "slaves to righteousness" (Rom. 6:19). Thus, we move from the standing of justification by imputed righteousness to the renewed life of sanctification by transformational righteousness. Paul opens up sanctification at length in Romans 6, 7, and 8, which concern us in this and the next two lessons. In this message from Romans 6, Dr. Waters shows us from two perspectives the resources available to believers in this life as they battle against sin and live unto holiness.

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Guy Waters
Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters is James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., and a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He is author of several books, including How Jesus Runs the Church and Facing the Last Enemy.