The Future

Our focus in this series has been on the gospel that Paul preached, one that meets us at our point of need as sinners and continues with us all the way. Thus, it is fitting that Dr. Waters in our last lesson brings us to the end as we wrap up all that Christ purposes for us in the future. In many respects, we have seen already in the gospel that the future breaks into the present. Whether it is our justification or sanctification, we grasp to some extent now what awaits us in the end. Through the Spirit, as we behold the Lord's glory, we are by degrees being transformed into the image of Christ now, which makes the future a real and present hope to us as Christians. In this lesson, then, we will concern ourselves with the future in connection with the individual believer and the entire world.

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Guy Waters

Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters is James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., and a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He is author of several books, including How Jesus Runs the Church and Facing the Last Enemy.