John H. Gerstner
Dr. John H. Gerstner (1914-1996) was a professor of church history at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and an authority on the life and theology of Jonathan Edwards. Gerstner counted among his students R.C. Sproul and wrote several books, including Jonathan Edwards, Evangelist.
- 31:13Chapter 5:18-6:18John H. Gerstner
- 30:27Chapter 5:13-17John H. Gerstner
- 29:03Chapter 4:1-5:12John H. Gerstner
- 29:24Chapter 3:15-28John H. Gerstner
- 29:51Chapter 3:10-14John H. Gerstner
- 29:54Chapter 3:6-9John H. Gerstner
- 29:09Chapter 3:1-5John H. Gerstner
- 29:22Chapter 2:11-21John H. Gerstner
- 26:39Chapter 1:11-2:10John H. Gerstner
- 31:13Chapter 1:6-10John H. Gerstner
- 27:50Chapter 1:1-5John H. Gerstner
- 30:20An OverviewJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:56Hell & HeavenJohn H. Gerstner
- 28:27The ChurchJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:29Sanctification & AssuranceJohn H. Gerstner
- 30:02Regeneration & JustificationJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:02Evangelism & SeekingJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:36The AtonementJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:12Divine RedemptionJohn H. Gerstner
- 29:03SinJohn H. Gerstner
- 30:30The Fall & ImputationJohn H. Gerstner
- 30:15Man and His NatureJohn H. Gerstner
- 28:53Creation & ProvidenceJohn H. Gerstner
- 27:39The Decrees of GodJohn H. Gerstner