- October 28, 2024The Last Step of Church DisciplineR.C. Sproul
- June 17, 2024ExcommunicationR.C. Sproul
- May 19, 2022Is Church Discipline Unloving and Harsh?Nathan W. Bingham & Burk Parsons
- Purging Evil from the Church1 corinthians 5:11–13
- Celebrating the New Passover1 corinthians 5:8
- Delivering a Sinner to Satan1 corinthians 5:3–5
- Dealing with Sexual Immorality1 corinthians 5:1–2
- Warning the Disobedient2 thessalonians 3:14–15
- The Discipline of the Churchmatthew 18:15–20
- Love and Church DisciplineJonathan Leeman
- 29:21DisciplineJohn H. Gerstner
- 22:01DisciplineJonathan Leeman
- 3MINWhat Should We Say?Jonathan Akin
- 2MINThe Assurance of DisciplineBurk Parsons
- 3MINBless Those Who Admonish YouAlexander Strauch
- The Process of Disciplinematthew 18:15–20
- The Key of Church DisciplinePsalm 7:11–13
- The Keys of the Kingdommatthew 16:13–20
- 10MINPurity, Power, and the Missing Mark of the ChurchBill Parker
- The Church as God's ProphetKim Riddlebarger
- In the Presence of the Court1 timothy 5:19–21
- Open and ShutKim Riddlebarger
- Disciplining Blasphemers1 timothy 1:19–20
- 3MINSomething DifferentMatt Schmucker