Pilgrims and Exiles: 2023 London Conference

The salvation that would come to God’s people was foreseen by the Old Testament prophets, who experienced it under the types and shadows of the old covenant and foresaw its fulfillment in the person and work of Christ. In this message, Rev. Mark Johnston considers 1 Peter 1:10–12, explaining how the salvation purchased by Christ was foreseen in the Old Testament and is now preached with clarity under the new covenant.
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Mark Johnston
Rev. Mark G. Johnston spent ten years in church planting helping to oversee the establishment of Trinity EPC, Richhill in Northern Ireland. He has also pastored in England, the United States, and Wales, and he is currently minister of Groomsport EPC in Northern Ireland. He serves on the board of the Banner of Truth Trust and is author of several books, including This World Is Not My Home: Reflections for Pilgrims on the Way and commentaries in the Let’s Study series on John, Colossians and Philemon, and 2 Peter and Jude.
Redemptive History
Resources about keeping in step with the Spirit and maturing in Christlikeness, including: beauty and goodness, compassion, conscience, contentment, godliness, hope, humility, joy, love, peace, strength, thankfulness, and unity.