- All chapters
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 3MINThe Genuine LifeScotty Smith
- First Timothy1 timothy 1:1–2
- The Practical Syllogism1 timothy 1:1–20
- 2MINTop 5 Commentaries on the Pastoral EpistlesKeith Mathison
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about 1 & 2 TimothyMichael G. Brown
- A Solemn Charge1 timothy 1:3–4
- 56:43Calvin and the Christian LifeLigon Duncan
- Doctrine Leads to DevotionJoe Thorn
- Ethics for Situations1 timothy 1:3–11
- God-Centered Adult EducationLigon Duncan
- God-Centered Adult EducationLigon Duncan
- Love, the Christian's Goal1 timothy 1:5
- How do you know if God has called you to be a pastor?Sinclair Ferguson
- Ignorant and Vain Discussion1 timothy 1:6–7
- The Goodness of the Law1 timothy 1:8
- The Restrainer1 timothy 1:8–10
- The Restraint of the Law1 timothy 1:8–11
- The Law and the Lawless1 timothy 1:9–10
- The Gospel of God's Glory1 timothy 1:11
- Chief of SinnersTerry Johnson
- God's Hyper-Plentiful Grace1 timothy 1:12–14
- It's All About UsMark Ross
- 5MINOur Pasts and Christ's MercyR. Fowler White
- Remembering God's GraceChris Donato